Educational Program

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Since 2011 RAK Animal Welfare Centre has been developing education programs to suit students of all ages and from all backgrounds. So far students of 3 years old from the international school right up to 19-year-old from several colleges have passed through RAK AWC’s education program. All programs are created to suit the particular needs of the school or college.

RAK AWC’s aim is to promote compassion and fair treatment for animals within our community. To try and emphasize the importance of animal welfare we demonstrate that our pets are just like us and that all the necessities for our survival and well-being are necessary for animals too. We give the students an interactive slideshow presentation detailing all the things our pets need and encourage the students to suggest ideas.

Students are then given a short tour of the facility where we explain the adoption process, visit our pet shop and, time permitting, meet our resident vet who explains the importance of medical care and shows the students the equipment used in the operating theatre.

For older students such as college students, we demonstrate the importance of animals - particularly dogs - in the world around us. We give many examples of how dogs can enrich our lives with the work that they are trained to do.


Of course, no trip to an animal welfare center would be complete without the chance to meet some of the animals so we give the students the opportunity to visit the cattery and meet our friendly cats waiting to be adopted. We also bring in puppies or small dogs for the children to meet and play with. The students and animals are supervised by our staff and volunteers at all times.

If you feel your school would benefit from our education program either at our facility or in your school please contact us by emailing: or telephoning 056 357 6013.

Because We Really Care About Your Pets

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